Learn some Dutch words!

This is for those of our customers who don't speak Dutch! 

Take a look at these common food words that you might see in our store, and learn something new. Then look for it at your next visit!


(Note, the letter G in Dutch is most often is pronounced as a phlegmatic H)


Groente  -  Vegetable

Cervelaat  -  Salami

Kaas  -  Cheese

Rundvlees  -  Beef

Aardappel  -  Potato (ground apple!)

Erwt  -  Pea

Pinakaas  -  Peanut Butter

Kaas  -  Cheese (surprisingly, not butter ^)

Gebakjes  -  Pastries

Zout(e)  -  Salty

Zoet(e)  -  Sweet (to remember the different between Zoute and Zoete, remember the E in swEEt, and Zoute sounds most) similar to salt.

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